
Posted by: ILHT-Dubai Category: Hair Care

Topical Minoxidil Hair Growth Solution | Dr. Sajjad Khan

Minoxidil was approved by the FDA as an Antihypertensive medicine in 1979 but demonstrated a noticeable side effect of unexpected hair growth in some patients. In 1988 the FDA approved Minoxidil as a treatment for hair growth and it remains the only topically-applied medicine approved to treat hair loss today.

Topical minoxidil, in order to be effective, must get activated by being converted into minoxidil sulphate by the sulfotransferase enzyme. For this reason, Minoxidil does not work for Individuals who lack sulfotransferase. Some 20% of people lack this enzyme that converts minoxidil into its active form.

Minoxidil is more effective in women than men, but for both sexes, it strengthens existing hair and regrows baby hair to create additional density. Minoxidil has been a staple drug in the hair-loss community for more than three decades. It remains a stable treatment for those it works for, notable for its reliability and effectiveness, and I highly recommend it to most of my clients.

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