Scalp Regions

The scalp can be divided into six regions.


2-Mid Scalp





1-Frontal Region

This region extends between the front hairline and the vertical line drawn in front of the ears and laterally extend up to outer canthal plane.

2-Mid Scalp Region

This region extends between the vertical line drawn in front of the ears, to the vertical line drawn behind the ears and laterally Mid Scalp extends up to outer canthal plane. Mid Scalp is a relatively flat region.

3-Crown Region

This region starts from just behind the Mid Scalp, it’s posterior border is the upper margins of the occipital hair. In non balding head crown region is identified by swirl pattern of hair.

4-Temple Region

Frankfort horizontal line is drawn at a level just above the tragus. A vertical line is drawn in front of the ear and stop at the outer canthal plane. Temple area lies in front of ear vertical line and extends between Frankfort horizontal line and outer canthal plane.

5-Parietal Region

Parietal region is the region between temple and occipital scalp and lies between the vertical lines in front and behind the ear and superiorly blend into Mid Scalp at outer canthal level.

6- Occipital Region

Occipital region lies behind the parietal area, superior to it lies the crown area and it extends below Into the nape of the neck.