Does Hair Color Damage The Hair? [video]
You want to change the color of your hair but before that, you want to make sure whether coloring is safe for your hair or not. So check this out.
Dr. Sajjad Khan offers in-person consultations on selected dates in Chicago.
You want to change the color of your hair but before that, you want to make sure whether coloring is safe for your hair or not. So check this out.
Hair grows in 3 phases Anagen the growth phase, Catagen the regression phase and Telogen the resting phase. Topical thyroxine... read more
One most common cause of hair loss in women is the Low Estrogen level that drops after pregnancy and menopause.... read more
Can extreme stress from the Coronavirus Pandemic cause you to lose Hair? Extremely stressful conditions can accelerate hair loss in... read more
The daily shower is very important for hygiene, as well as for health. Most prefer a lukewarm or hot shower,... read more
Ammonia, an alkaline chemical, is used to raise the pH level of hair during the coloring process. Ammonia opens the... read more
Minoxidil was approved by the FDA as an Antihypertensive medicine in 1979 but demonstrated a noticeable side effect of unexpected... read more
Your naturally curly hair needs straightening but your salon is closed due to Coronavirus pandemic. Can you relax your hair... read more
Choosing the right hairstyle according to your face shape can dramatically enhance your appearance. I have described 3 major face... read more
Our hairs are made of protein and if they lack protein hair become fragile, unmanageable and lost their vibrance and... read more
Stem cells are a new promising approach to treating hair loss. Let's find out why they are so beneficial for... read more