Hair Care

Low Estrogen Causing Hair Loss? Regrow Hair With Topical Estrogen

One most common cause of hair loss in women is the Low Estrogen level that drops after pregnancy and menopause. During pregnancy, estrogen levels surge and many women experience denser and thicker hair; and after delivery, when estrogen returns to normal, the hair returns to its prior state. Then, later in life during menopause, when estrogen levels fall, many women experience thinning and hair loss. Topical Estrogen can help you grow thicker & denser hair. Ask us for more information

Collagen For Faster Hair Growth | How Collagen Works & Why It’s Important For Your Hair?

Collagen is the most abundant building block in our skin. Hair follicles, their supportive glands and the blood vessels that feed them nutrients are supported by collagen. Collagen secures a vital communication pathway between the hair’s stem cells and the germinative cells deep within the hair root. This communication pathway is an essential component of hair regrowth. As the collagen thins, this communication channel is disrupted, and the hair begins growing at a slower pace. How to rebuild the lost collagen? Watch...

Topical Minoxidil Hair Growth Solution | Dr. Sajjad Khan

Minoxidil was approved by the FDA as an Antihypertensive medicine in 1979 but demonstrated a noticeable side effect of unexpected hair growth in some patients. In 1988 the FDA approved Minoxidil as a treatment for hair growth and it remains the only topically-applied medicine approved to treat hair loss today. Topical minoxidil, in order to be effective, must get activated by being converted into minoxidil sulphate by the sulfotransferase enzyme. For this reason, Minoxidil does not work for Individuals who lack...